• 捣捣乖     《预言家日报》专访阿不思(原创同人文)中

    • Albus Severus Potter.

    • 阿不思·西弗勒斯·波特

    • from:《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》

    In review of his school life back in Hogwarts, Albus has a long and emotional story to tell. ‘First of all, I’d like to appreciate Madam Hooch for her generosity as a professor.She gave me valuable guidance before her retirement. She had a lot of friends who work as coaches for some teams of the League, therefore I gained many key skills which helped me enormously in beating forceful opponents.’he says,‘ I also attribute my success to the support of my kind classmates and warmhearted teammates. The time I spent with them is my happiest memory of Hogwarts.What’s more, my mother,as an alumna,had a great influence on my choice of Quidditch team.I am proud of playing the same position with her,it’s like she handed the baton over to me.’


    Albus was more strict with himself after hired by Holyhead Harpies.He used to train for 10 hours a day and played as a Chaser for 1 year before his Seeker identification was officially fixed.Besides regular training inside the team,Albus also researched other League teams’techniques and styles which contributed much to the flexible tactics of his own team.Harpy robes are dark green with a golden talon upon the chest.According to Albus,the morale of his team is exactly like the spirit of the team symbol---Harpy.Their specialties are sharp and quick reaction,exquisite and surprise offensive.


    Just tasted the sweetness of success in last season of the League Cup, it is praiseworthy that Albus can keep a modest and tranquil state of mind as usual for the whole year.He tries his best to embrace the challenge of the World Cup in a perfect condition.‘I really look forward to communicating with different Quidditch team players around the world and making international friends.I might even find a foreign girlfriend if I’m lucky enough.’the young warlock chuckles shyly.


    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       113浏览 评论(2)


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