• Chain偶尔诈尸     IWI魔女?接力「爱的教育」31②

    • They look like snowflakes.

    • 就像雪花一样。

    • from:《5 Centimeters Per Second》

    Hello 大家晚上好~😉我是IWI的新人 call me魔女就好啦~😘在这个小鲜肉横行的时代 我这种大龄的学生党表示根本没有容身之地 长江后浪推前浪 前浪没有地方浪啊!!!😭

    如果你看我的介绍的话会发现我给自己取的名字是百变魔女坑 其实一开始我是拒绝给自己取名字的 我拒绝是因为我取不好名字。😳

    但机智的我灵光一现 因为我平时在学校被别人喊女魔头(别问为什么 我只想说我也有很温楼的一面😚 捂脸)而且最近恬不知耻的配了两个萌妹子的音 之前还客串了一把鸟人大叔和老公 简直千变万化无所不能诡计多端有木有!啊呸 没有诡计多端。最重要的是 我的外号就叫……坑。😔哦是的 就是坑爹的坑 坑娘的坑 挖坑的坑。😌

    咳咳 我这个人废话还是比较多的。不过作为IWI的成员之一 以后在魔方秀的日子我肯定是会传播正能量 和大家一起进步哒 然后顺便刷刷评论啊聊点家长里短名人八卦神马的 嫑嫌我烦哈~😂

    艾玛 不能再bb了 下面进入正题哈~接棒「爱的教育」(ง •̀_•́)ง

    (_Monthly Story._)

    此处省略小老虎m的前四段~欲知前事如何 请戳她👇👇👇👇


    At noon that day his father sat down to the table in a good humor. He had perceived nothing. He performed the work mechanically, measuring it by the hour, and thinking of something else, and only counted the wrappers he had written on the following day. He seated himself at the table in a fine humor, and slapping his son on one shoulder, he said to him:

    "Eh, Giulio! Your father is even a better workman than you thought. In two hours I did a good third more work than usual last night. My hand is still nimble, and my eyes still do their duty." And Giulio, silent but content, said to himself, "Poor daddy, besides the money, I am giving him some satisfaction in the thought that he has grown young again. Well, courage!"

    Encouraged by these good results, when night came and twelve o'clock struck, he rose once more, and set to work. And this he did for several nights. And his father noticed nothing; only once, at supper, he uttered this exclamation, "It is strange how much oil has been used in this house lately!" This was a shock to Giulio; but the conversation ceased there, and the nocturnal labor proceeded. However, by dint of thus breaking his sleep every night, Giulio did not get sufficient rest: he rose in the morning fatigued, and when he was doing his school work in the evening, he had difficulty in keeping his eyes open. One evening, for the first time in his life, he fell asleep over his copybook.


    "Courage! Courage!" cried his father, clapping his hands; "to work!" He shook himself and set to work again. But the next evening, and on the days following, the same thing occurred, and worse: he dozed over his books, he rose later than usual, he studied his lessons in a languid way, he seemed disgusted with study. His father began to observe him, then to reflect seriously, and at last to reprove him. He should never have done it!

    "Giulio," he said to him one morning, "you put me quite beside myself; you are no longer as you used to be. I don't like it. Take care; all the hopes of your family rest on you. I am dissatisfied; do you understand?"

    At this reproof, the first severe one, in truth, which he had ever received, the boy grew troubled. "Yes," he said to himself, "it is true; it cannot go on so; this deceit must come to an end."


    But at dinner, on the evening of that very same day, his father said with much cheerfulness, "Do you know that this month I have earned thirty-two lire more at addressing those wrappers than last month!" and so saying, he drew from under the table a paper package of sweets which he had bought, that he might celebrate with his children this extraordinary profit, and they all hailed it with clapping of hands. Then Giulio took heart again, courage again, and said in his heart, "No, poor papa, I will not cease to deceive you; I will make greater efforts to work during the day, but I shall continue to work at night for you and for the rest." And his father added, "Thirty-two lire more! I am satisfied. But that boy there," pointing at Giulio," is the one who displeases me." And Giulio received the reprimand in silence, forcing back two tears which tried to flow; but at the same time he felt a great pleasure in his heart.


    And he continued to work by main force; but fatigue added to fatigue rendered it ever more difficult for him to resist. Thus things went on for two months. The father continued to reproach his son, and to gaze at him with eyes which grew constantly more wrathful. One day he went to make inquiries of the teacher, and the teacher said to him: "Yes, he gets along, he gets along, because he is intelligent; but he no longer has the good will which he had at first. He is drowsy, he yawns, his mind is distracted. He writes short compositions, scribbled down in all haste, in bad chirography. Oh, he could do a great deal, a great deal more."


    That evening the father took the son aside, and spoke to him words which were graver than any the latter had ever heard. "Giulio, you see how I toil, how I am wearing out my life, for the family. You do not second my efforts. You have no heart for me, nor for your brothers, nor for your mother!"

    "Ah no! Don't say that, father!" cried the son, bursting into tears, and opening his mouth to confess all. But his father interrupted him, saying: "You are aware of the condition of the family; you know that good will and sacrifices on the part of all are necessary. I myself, as you see, have had to double my work. I counted on a gift of a hundred lire from the railway company this month, and this morning I have learned that I shall receive nothing!"

    At this information, Giulio repressed the confession which was on the point of escaping from his soul, and repeated resolutely to himself: "No, papa, I shall tell you nothing; I shall guard my secret for the sake of being able to work for you; I will recompense you in another way for the sorrow which I occasion you; I will study enough at school to win promotion; the important point is to help you earn our living, and to relieve you of the fatigue which is killing you."

    以上😘😘😘😘欢迎纠正 虚心接受😉😉😉IWI!!!✨✨✨✨✨

    1970-01-01   43赞       0踩       757浏览 评论(84)
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