• Yolanda.L     爱与被爱 My Prayer?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《20种语言说我爱你》

    今天是七夕嗯挺美的日子 票圈里恋爱的结婚的出来秀的极少 倒是一大堆调侃的段子😂 对七夕不能ci 七夕比巴西少一夕
    滚蛋吧肿瘤君热映中 不知道大家看过没 回家翻了电影原型熊顿与癌症斗争的真实漫画故事 太美好太励志也太残忍 大家有兴趣有空的不妨一读 以后有机会大家感兴趣或许我也可以在这里分享一下
    影片中有句话“爱与被爱是世界上最重要的事” 嗯回想一次暖心一次 于是觉得七夕不是恋人的专属节日而应该是每一个用心寻找爱与被爱的人的纪念日
    刚好翻到Devotion的My Prayer 这首歌很早之前就发行 稍微有点年纪的应该很早就听过(我在说我自己嘛😂) 歌词旋律都暖哭 和大家分享一下(戳最后音频)
    我的人生有好多目标 但是最重要的三个是 一尽力追逐自己的梦想 二永远做一个对自己负责的模范生 三爱与被爱
    如果意外比明天更早到来 也希望大家能像熊顿一样微笑 因为身边有好多值得爱与被爱的人😊 也请单身贵族们相信 爱你的你爱的人正在来的路上


    Dear god:

    I know that she’s out there...

    the one I’m supposed to share my whole life with.

    And in time...you’ll show with me.

    Will you take care of her,comfort her,and protect her...

    until that day we meet.

    And let her know...

    my heart...is beating with hers

    In a dream I hold you close

    Embracing you with my hands

    You gazed at me with eyes full of love

    And made me understand

    That I was meant to share it with you

    My heart my mind my soul

    Then I open my eyes

    And all I see reality shows I’m alone

    But I know someday that you’ll be by my side

    Cause I know god’s just waiting till the time is right

    God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm

    When the day’s cold will you keep her warm

    When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way

    God will you let her know that I love her so

    When there's no one there that she’s not alone

    Just close her eyes and let her know

    My heart is beating with hers

    So I prayed until that day

    When our hearts will beat as one

    I will wait so patiently

    For that day to come
    it’s beating with yours

    1970-01-01   11赞       1踩       1255浏览 评论(9)
女 中级配角lv27


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