• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (七)你是哪种类型的约会对象?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《Almost Lover》

    TOP 风铃说 :


    01 The Avoider 逃避者型

    Avoiders want to have an organically unfolding connection with partners; they hope that a suitable partner will appear without any special effort on their part. When they do date, they usually date those they know through friends, work or school. Avoiders believe (or desperately hope) love will "just happen." 

    ※ 给逃避者型的小贴士
    Avoiders need to stop avoiding and start dating. New thinking takes practice.

    02 The Dreamer 理想主义者型

    Dreamers believe in love at first sight and feel that anything less is a waste of time. They don't easily move on if their attraction to another is not reciprocated or the other person isn't seeking a relationship. 

    ※ 给理想主义者型的小贴士
    Similar to Avoiders, Dreamers need practice dating other people. What are the qualities you desire in others? Are they present in you? Can you cultivate them? Dreamers need a reality check.

    03 The Dreamer 乞怜者型

    Martyrs can be very empathetic, which is a wonderful quality. However, they can too easily lose their own sense of self worth and diminish their own needs and desires. Martyrdom can easily lead to masochism if you're not careful.

    ※ 给乞怜者型的小贴士
    If there is one thing the Martyr needs to focus on, it's their sense of self-worth. If you are a Martyr, it's probably a good idea to take a break from dating until you are able to choose your partners from a position of confidence.

    04 The Protector 保护者

    Protectors pride themselves on being able to see a side or an aspect of a person that most others can't see. They secretly (or not so secretly) hope that they can love or encourage their partners into lasting change or breakthroughs. 

    ※ 给保护者型的小贴士
    This dating type can result in well balanced relationships when the person being nurtured/protected is on the same page.

    05 The Charmer 魅力十足者型

    Charmers love the thrill of the chase (or being chased). They are naturally adept at attracting many potential partners. They can be impulsive and fall in love easily and passionately for a short time.

    ※ 给魅力十足者型的小贴士
    Charmer, know thyself! The key for you is to use your powers for good, not evil. Your number one rule should be honesty, honesty, honesty.

    1970-01-01   15赞       0踩       434浏览 评论(11)


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