• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (六) 你不可不知的泳池真相

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《LIFE - Motivational Video》

    卷首语: 炎炎夏日,去泳池游泳是个不错的选择。可你是否知道公共泳池也潜藏着健康隐患。有报告显示,近一半的美国人承认在泳池里有过不卫生行为。如果你还没有意识到这潜在的危险,就一定要看看下面的文章。

    Before you dive off the diving board at your favorite swimming pool, you might want to take a closer look — and sniff — at the water down below. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cases of recreational water illness (RWI) in the United States are on the rise and those illnesses are caused by germs and bacteria that may be lurking in your nearby pool. 

    According to the CDC, 90 illness outbreaks were reported in 32 states and Puerto Rico between 2011-2012. These outbreaks sickened at least 1,788 people, resulting in 95 hospitalizations and one death.

    So what's making everyone so sick? The majority of illnesses were associated with the bacteria Cryptosporidium. Crypto can survive in swimming pools for 10 days or more even in chlorinated water. And just how does crypto get into pool in the first place? Brace yourself...this is going to get gross.

    Michele Hlavsa, lead author of the CDC report, told CBS News. "Swimmers bring crypto into the water when they are sick with diarrhea."

    Yeah, I know. 

    The CDC advises people never to swim when they have diarrhea, but unfortunately, that doesn't stop everyone from doing it. And diarrhea isn't the only thing you need to worry about in the pool. There is also urine. In fact, researchers have shown that it isn't chlorine that causes your eyes to get red when swimming in a chlorinated pool. It's urine. Specifically, it's the chemicals that are released when chlorine reacts with urine. 
    尽管CDC建议人们患有腹泻时不要去游泳,但很不幸,还是会有人不听劝阻。此外,腹泻并不是你在泳池中唯一要担心的事情,你还要担心尿液。事实上,研究人员发现,在含氯泳池中游泳时,使你眼睛发红的并不是氯,而是尿液。更确切地说,是尿液与氯反应后释放出来的化学物质。Still ready to take that dip? 还准备去游泳吗?

    To protect yourself and your family before you dive into your favorite pool, experts recommend taking a closer look — and smell — of the water. It should be crystal clear and there should be no odor. Any debris that has accumulated either on the surface or at the bottom of the pool is an indicator that this pool is in need of a cleaning. Cloudy water in the pool could be caused by an ineffective filtration system or from a day of overuse.

    And while some people might think that a pool that smells strongly of chlorine is a clean pool, that's actually not the case. A strong odor of chlorine could indicate that the contaminants in the pool are not breaking down properly in the presence of chlorine. And if that strong smell coming from the pool is urine, well there is no doubt about what you will be jumping into. 

    (这是上次去桃花源拍的照片,呵呵…@_@ 这几块砖破坏了美感啊……#_#)

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