• Angel_daydreamer     Gracias mi capitán❤️

    • When I see you again

    • 与你重逢之时

    • from:《See You Again》

    for Xavi Hernandez Creus and
    Iker Casillas Fernandéz

    今夏 两位功勋队长离开自己奉献了少年青年时光的队伍 两段传奇落幕
    我不是什么懂球帝 也写不出长串的华丽的句子 只是以这个讲解秀 为队长送别【这叫讲解嘛你什么都没讲好嘛

    接受Ella给我的建议😌😌在这里放一首背景音乐 可以边听边看👇👇👇

    Leaving WestLife


    for Xavi
    大佬 十七年红蓝生涯 已无法用语言描述 十七年的光阴穿梭在红蓝色的背景中 早已不知不觉刻下了永恒
    两段微博上的话 献给大佬

    【在那之前 我是浮萍 可是一遇见 转眼便是17年 他们都说 我得到了什么 我遗憾了什么 可是没有经历过的人 又如何懂得 那是红蓝 那是我的世界 】

    【恍惚间 已是岁月十七载 这其中的点点滴滴 早已在红蓝岁月中镌刻下无法抹去的印记 今日功成圆满 你终将离开这里 然而 任何事情都无法改变 Xavi 你的名字 身影 甚至这个数字6 注定要和诺坎普紧紧联系在一起】

    24年的结束 是另一端人生旅途的开始
    岁月静好 惟愿你幸福安康

    for Iker
    银河战舰的最后一位船长就此离去 伯纳乌的球门不再有你的身影 25年的不离不弃 皇马传奇 永远的队长 愿你未来一切都好
    圣卡西 感谢一路有你

    【👇这是卡西利亚斯在最近一次专访中的一段话 看着视频下的翻译抄下来了 【我也是蛮拼的… 】

    【 】里的是interviewer的话😃

    现在 将我想象成说着【不标准】英语的圣卡西 戳下面的条条👇


    I'd always been a Real Madrid fan since I was a child despite growing up around ma father's football preference.
    He preferred teams from Basque Country, having lived there for some time.
    One day the doorman said,'Iker, you need to go to Real Madrid's hotel right now. You need to join the team because Canizares was injured.'
    They called up ma mother to join the team. She filled my case with with everything, shirts, pants, and any other clothing she could find.
    They found me a taxi that took me to Barajas, and I got there late due to the 35-minute drive from Mostoles.
    I found former Real Madrid delegate Enrique Martín waiting for me in the hotel lobby and he gave me all the help I needed.
    Then, we all know what happened to Cesar and you came in and made three saves that made you a hero of the European Championship final, which was won thanks to Zizou's fantastic goal.
    You went in and stole the spotlight in 7 or 8 minutes.
    【What did it feel like when you saw Cesar go down?
    What thoughts were running through your head after all the anger】
    The thoughts running through my head ...first ...
    That way you felt after having your emotions bottled up for several months.
    Well, first you try to forget about it all, and focus on the match, you are in the Euro final.


    【How did it feel to be the captain to lift the coveted World Cup?】
    Happy, I felt special...it's an indescribable feeling. One that doesn't compare to anything else.
    【It's time to talk about 'La Decima'. How did you feel? How important was it to win title number ten? What kind of role did Ronaldo play to help win the title?】
    Well, at one moment I wished I had a shovel so I could dig a hole in the pitch, hide in it until the match was over. After which I'd come out and ask 'Did we win? Is it over? Yeah, great.'
    【were you expecting to win the tenth title against Atletico Madrid?
    How did it happen, then?】
    It was unbelievable. I think it was the best case scenario for wining our tenth title.


    【What does Real Madrid represent for you?】
    For me, it's my home.
    I began in the youth system when I was 8, and they signed me up at 9.
    I've gone through all the club's categories up to the professional level.
    Today, my life wouldn't have meaning without Real Madrid.
    When I was a child, my dad used to take me to a five-a-side football field near my house.
    I played with him. He put me at goalkeeper, and that's where it all begins.

    BGM:Let her go
    【齐祖的名字被吞了 goalkeeper卷舌音被吞了😨

    【👆上面那个东西…我也就这水平了…希望圣卡西憋来找我要他的气势 🙏🙏🙏🙏队长对不起我把你的形象弄丢了


    原来想把人名地名什么的都读成西语的……可是窝西语实在不标准😭😭😭于是读成了英语 还是好怪😔😔就这吧
    【也不知道这段话放在这合适不 因为是回忆😔就这样吧😔

    Gracias por tus 25 años ❤️❤️¡Buena Suerte!❤️❤️

    You will always be in our hearts, no matter what. Thank you for everything you have given us.

    最后的最后 还是不愿说出Adiós 道一声hasta luego

    Thank you captain❤️
    Thank you hero ❤️
    Thank you legend❤️

    感谢你 我的队长

    【这是后话:还有小猪 皮尔洛 杰拉德 兰帕德 切赫……all legend in our heart forever❤️❤️

    ————THE END OF AN ERA———


    1970-01-01   18赞       0踩       331浏览 评论(68)
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