• RhiannonPsycho     不是特洛伊的海伦-为了曾经真绝色

    • You're very young, my love.

    • 你太天真了,我的王子

    • from:《特洛伊》


    For you, my queen.

    HELEN OF TROY, the spartan queen who defied the kingdom of her father, who eloped with the prince of troy, whose decision leveled a city and launched the greatest war in legend.
    She had been the prize of men her whole life, sullied by men, caged by men, given, given, always given. Helen of Sparta was a queen who was beholden to the basest peasantry; Helen of Troy shall be a goddess on earth. Choice, choice, she chants as she boards the ship with the bright eyed youth. Let them come, she thinks, and smiles. Let them come for their queen; let them come for their idol and their star, let them come for the mirage of a woman perfect beyond measure. Let them break their spears on the walls of Troy, let them break their spines beneath Trojan swords. You made me into a goddess, she thinks. And a goddess demands blood.

    Your beauty makes them weak.
You could tear down cities
with your smile,
and you have.
    Helen of Troy,
of Sparta,
of Paris,
of Menelaus.
    Helen of war,
of blood,
of death,
of beauty.

    “History forgets more than it remembers
Invents more than it ever knew.
History gave me many names,
Dubbed me many things–
    In the same breath as they glaze over Paris’ lust
And Aphrodite’s vanity,
They wash away my truth;
In the same way they glorify the thousand ships launched for my beauty,
They mythicise my existence;
They forget I was a Queen,
A Spartan,
A warrior in my own right.
    History is mistaken:
I am not a myth.
    I am strength and I am guilt;
Prize and cargo; 
Noble and broken
    I am many things.
But I am not
Of Troy.”
    helen of not fucking troy // (s.v)


    1970-01-01   10赞       0踩       181浏览 评论(2)
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