• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (四)男人:谁说只有女人能化妆?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《泰迪熊预告》

    (全程中文讲述…风铃还不能将英文说得水到渠成啊… @_@)



    Johnny Depp (and his spiritual and sartorial forefather, Keith Richards) knows all about the power of eyeliner. So do David Bowie and reams of '80s and '90s electronic music fans. Now a new generation of dudes is getting in on the look, rimming their eyes in black (aka "guyliner") and trying other cosmetics as well. 


    If you think guys wearing makeup is "wrong," "unmanly" or "weird," you don't know your history. Contrary to popular assumption, men wearing makeup goes all the way back to ancient times. As Charlotte Tilbury sums up on her site: 


    "The earliest records of men using cosmetics were in Asia — in China and Japan 3000 BC, men and women used tinctures of gum arabic, gelatin and egg to stain their fingernails to signify their status in society. Flash forward a couple of thousand years and the Ancient Brit warriors were daubing their faces in blue woad and became known by the Romans as Picts — the painted ones. The Romans themselves painted their heads to disguise premature baldness (can’t imagine that was hugely convincing ...), a precursor to the wigs and male beauty spots of the court of Louis XIII (who went bald at 23 and hence pushed wigs as all the rage). Harlequins, Dandies and Macaronis followed."


    ”Not only has it been common at various times in the past for men to wear makeup, there are also other countries where it's much more accepted. Socially conservative, male-dominated South Korea is probably the most well-known country where men-in-makeup is normalized. (It's popular in both K-Pop but also for working men.) College student Cho Won-hyuk told First to Know, “Having a clean, neat face makes you look sophisticated and creates an image that you can handle yourself well. When I wear makeup on special occasions, it makes me more confident.” 


    ”Men wearing makeup is also on the rise in the U.K., and Niger's Wodaabe men not only wear makeup, but perform in beauty pageants in which women are the judges.


    Even in the U.S., there are well-known male makeup artists, some with their own lines of cosmetics, and in the Age of the Internet, plenty of guys have taken the trend of painted men and run with it, publishing vlogs, Tumblrs and Instagrams focused on makeup techniques and themes. There are even gender-neutral makeup blogs like the Glittered Age. Thomas Halbert is one of these new cosmetic creators (see his video for a gold eye below); he runs a fabulous Instagram feed as well as a YouTube channel.
    即便在美国,也有许多知名的男性化妆师,其中一些人有他们自己的化妆品牌。而且在这个网络时代,很多男人都跟随潮流化起妆来,还把化妆技巧和其他化妆相关内容发布在视频博客vlog、轻博客Tumblr和图片分享软件Instagram上。甚至还有男女皆宜的化妆博客,如Glittered Age。托马斯•哈伯特就是新型化妆创始人之一。他运营着一个超级棒的Instagram账号,还有专属的YouTube频道。


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