• 无名小船     Charles Schulz

    • from the imagination of Charles Schulz

    • 查尔斯舒尔茨作品(你知道他是谁吗?能和我们讲讲吗?)

    • from:《史努比》


    Charles Schulz was born November the 26, 1922 in St. Paul Minnesota. When he was growing up, Charles was completely normal, almost boring. In fact, he says he was a looser in school. He had no close friends and no girlfriend. He is also failed math class with a o! He WAS allowed on the golf team, but he lost every game. The only thing Charles thought he was good at was drawing. He drew cartoons all the time. However, his school didn't like his cartoons and refused to put them in the year book.
    After he graduated high school, Charles wanted to work for Disney. He worked for months preparing his application. However, Disney told him no.
    Charles didn't let Disney stop him. He continued to draw and eventually created one of the most popular and well-known comics in the United States. As its highest point, the Peanuts comic was published in 2600 papers, in 75 countries, in 21 languages every day and Charles was making 40 million dollars every year.
    Charles continued to work every day until 1999, one year before his death. He finally died on February 12, 2000. However, he is forever remembered for Charlie Brown and the Peanuts comic.

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       91浏览 评论(6)
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