• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (三)喵星人向你示爱的7种方式

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《美少女战士 第一集》


    Unlike dogs, cats don’t greet their owners with wagging tails and sloppy kisses, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have genuine affection for their human companions.喵星人不会像狗狗一样摇尾乞怜,也不会献上一阵“湿吻”,但这并不表示它们不爱自己的主人。
    They may have a reputation for being aloof, but cats have ways of showing affection for their humans.虽然喵星人以高冷而出名,但是它们也会用自己的方式对主人表达爱意。

    ※Head bumps and leg rubs来回蹭蹭
    Cats have scent glands concentrated on certain parts of their bodies, including their cheeks and heads. When your kitty rubs her head or face against you, she’s marking you with her scent and claiming you as part of her family group. This scent is a source of both comfort and familiarity for your kitty.猫的气味腺集中分布在身体的某些特定部位,如脸部和头部。所以当猫咪用头或脸蹭你时,她是想在你身上留下自己的气味,以此来宣称你是她的家人,这种气味会让她感到舒适和亲近。

    ※Grooming sessions梳梳舔舔
    Grooming is another way that cats spread their scent to mark territory. If you have multiple cats, you may have seen them grooming each other, a social practice cats use to establish a common scent among the family group. By sharing a scent, your feline friend is creating a sense of belonging.舔人是猫咪用气味表达亲密关系的另一种方式。如果你同时拥有好几只猫咪,就可能见过它们互相梳理(舔)毛发。这是猫咪的一种社交方式,在所有家庭成员身上留下相同的气味。你的喵星人朋友想在你身上留下相同的气味,那样才有归属感。

    ※Slow blinks慢慢眨眼
    When your kitty looks at you and slowly closes his eyes, as in the video below, he’s showing that he’s content and comfortable around you. In fact, this slow-blinking behavior has even earned the nickname “kitty kisses.”当你的猫咪看着你,然后慢慢地闭上眼睛时,这表示在你身边它感到很满足、很舒服。其实,喵星人慢慢眨眼的这个动作已经有了一个爱称——“猫咪之吻”。
    “The concept of closing their eyes to you in a slow way is not something that they would do,” says cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy. “They’re letting you know that they are vulnerable to you.”行为学家杰克森•盖勒希称,喵星人并不经常做慢慢眨眼的动作,它们只是想让你知道在你面前它们很脆弱。

    ※Exposing the belly躺露肚皮
    Another way cats can show that vulnerability is by rolling over and exposing their bellies. This is a sure sign of trust and shows that your cat is comfortable around you.打滚然后露出肚皮是喵星人表现自己敏感脆弱的另一种方式,这一行为足以表明他们完全信任你,并且喜欢呆在你身边。

    ※Kitty underfoot紧紧跟随
    If your feline friend follows you from room to room, jumps onto tables and counters to be near you and always seems to be right where your step, she clearly enjoys your company — especially if it’s not near feeding time.如果你的喵星人朋友跟着你从一个房间到另一个房间,为了离你近点儿跳上桌子和柜台,并且好像总是知道你下一步要去哪,很明显她喜欢和你呆在一起——尤其在她不饿的时候。

    ※Tail position竖起尾巴
    How your cat holds her tail can tell you a lot about how she’s feeling. A tail held straight in the air is often used as a greeting, so you know your kitty is happy to see you. In fact, Dr. John Bradshaw, author of the book, "Cat Sense," says this is "probably the clearest way cats show their affection for us."猫咪尾巴的方向会透露她的情绪。竖起尾巴通常是在和你打招呼,意思是见到你很高兴。事实上,《猫的感知》一书的作者约翰•布雷萧博士曾表示,竖起尾巴是猫咪对人类最明显的示爱方式。
    A tail held upright with a curve at the tip like a question mark also indicates familiarity, friendliness and affection.竖着尾巴,尾尖像问号一样卷起,这一动作也表明猫咪对你十分亲密、友好,也十分喜欢你。

    While a cat's purr isn't an always indication of love and happiness — cats also purr when they're scared or injured — a happy cat may express affection by purring when he's curled up in your lap or rubbing against your leg.虽然不是每次咕噜咕噜叫都代表爱和幸福——害怕和受伤时猫咪也会这样叫,但是猫咪很开心时,就会蜷缩在你的膝盖上,蹭着你的腿并发出咕噜咕噜的叫声,表达对你的爱意。

    看完了这些,是不是被萌到了呢?好戏还在后面呢,快来欣赏吧 @_@

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