• 阿源_4     金刚狼

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    詹姆斯·豪利特(James Howlett)出生于十九世纪1832年加拿大的富家子弟。实际上他是女主人与一个园丁托马斯·罗根的私生子,也是伊丽莎白·豪利特的第二个儿子。当时的土地所有人是詹姆斯名义上的父亲约翰·豪利特。小时候的詹姆斯身体异常虚弱,经常出现过敏症状。同时詹姆斯的母亲一直沉湎于她第一个儿子小约翰的死,所以也一直忽视了詹姆斯。詹姆斯时常受到他的爷爷——豪利特先生的压力,豪利特先生认为詹姆斯应该不断接受强有力的惩罚,以便正确地成长。“严格却公平”就是豪利特先生为他所有残酷的行为洗白的说辞。
    James howlett was born in 1832 in the 19th century to a wealthy Canadian. In fact, he was the illegitimate son of the hostess and a gardener, thomasrogan, and the second son of Elizabeth hollett. The owner of the land at that time was John hollett, James' nominal father. As a child, James was very weak and often had allergic symptoms. At the same time, James' mother has been indulged in the death of her first son, little John, so she has always ignored James. James is often under pressure from his grandfather, Mr. hollett, who believes that James should continue to receive strong punishment in order to grow up correctly. "Strict but fair" is Mr. hollett's words to wash away all his cruel acts.

    James and rose then went to the Yukon in Canada to seek refuge in a quarry in British Columbia. They disguised themselves as cousins, and James also pretended to be "Rogan" to hide his true identity. After living here for several months, Rogan worked hard as a miner, and the tough environment made him strong. He became unusually strong and fierce, showed extraordinary agility and strength, had sharp senses like animals, and learned to use hatred to break rocks.

    Cookie changed his temper towards Logan and kept hurting him until Smith rescued Logan. Cookies also deliberately cut short the lead on Rogan's explosive barrel, killing five people. Cookies also cut off the ration of food for Logan and rose, so Logan went to the forest to hunt deer and distribute the surplus food to the neighbors, which made Logan more loved by people. Rogan has been protected from damage because of his self-healing factor. He also runs with wolves in the forest and learns to hunt like animals.




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