• 阿源_4     忍者***

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    拉尔斯·艾尔·古尔是***语“恶魔之首”的意思,其真名早已被遗忘在沙漠之中。数百年前因意外发现拉撒路之池(Lazarus Pits),全身浸泡而获得不死之身,后创立刺客联盟,开始在全球招募格斗高手,将他们训练成只效忠于自己的仆人。唯一目标就是消灭全人类,建立一个他理想中的世界,拉尔斯已经活了大约700多年,力量强大、老谋深算、手下爪牙遍布世界各地,而且还知道蝙蝠侠的真实身份,使得蝙蝠侠对他防不胜防。
    Lars al Gul means "the head of the devil" in Arabic. Its real name has long been forgotten in the desert. Hundreds of years ago, he accidentally discovered Lazarus pits and soaked his whole body to gain immortality. Later, he founded the assassin alliance and began to recruit fighting experts all over the world to train them to be loyal servants. The only goal is to eliminate all mankind and build a world of his dreams. Lars has lived for more than 700 years. He is powerful, resourceful, and his minions are all over the world. He also knows the true identity of Batman, *** Batman impossible to defend against.

    As a result of his extended life, Lars al Gul has accumulated a great deal of knowledge and skills. He is a master of blade wa***re, swordsmanship, martial arts, detective and physics. He is proficient in fighting skills of many schools in the East and the West. He has also won great wealth through centuries of contacts with the international community. However, in battle, he prefers to use ancient weapons, because he has studied ancient weapons longer than modern weapons. These weapons include most cold weapons, such as machetes, martial arts knives, swords, darts (hand swords), smoke bombs and micro explosives.



    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       13浏览 评论(0)


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