• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (二)2025 年我们的生活原来是这样的

    • She wants to shine. Forever in time

    • 她希望永远闪耀 在时间的河流中

    • from:《God is a girl》

    著名家居品牌宜家(IKEA)联合瑞典设计系的学生以及艾迪欧设计集团共同策划了这场 2025 年概念厨房展览,模拟呈现十年后厨房的样子。
    Digital Dining数字烹饪
    It's no surprise to see that IKEA predicts technology will continue to rule our lives — including what we eat. The team predicts kitchens will be equipped with a camera and projector above worktables that will see ingredients, then tell us how we can cook with them.毫无意外,宜家预测在未来科技将继续引领我们的生活--包括我们吃什么。他们预言厨房将配备摄像机和投影仪,而这些机器能探测到食材并告诉我们如何烹饪。

    Visual Storing可视储藏
    IKEA and its design team see open shelving being used instead of cabinets, and while it may require a bit of practice in being tidy, the advantages seem legitimate.宜家及其设计团队预测开放式储物架会代替橱柜。尽管它们在保持整洁上比较麻烦,但这种改变确实有其合理之处。"While existing fridges waste energy, this modern pantry makes food visible, keeping us mindful and inspired by the food we've got around us," the design team said in a press release. "We'll waste less of it."“现有的冰箱浪费能源,但未来现代化食物储藏室会使食物可视化,这使我们可以留意到食材,从而被周围的食材激发出创作灵感。”设计团队在媒体发布会中说道:“我们将减少食材的浪费。

    ”Watering Wisely智能用水

    IKEA sees kitchen sinks containing a drain on each end. Tip the sink one direction for water that could be reused watering plants. Tip the sink the other direction for water that's been contaminated with chemicals and is not reusable.宜家认为未来的厨房水槽应该在两端各有一个排水管。当水能够二次利用于浇灌时,我们可以将水槽向一个方向倾斜;当水被化学品污染以至于无法再利用时,可将水槽向另一个方向倾斜。

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