• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (一)朝鲜马拉松初体验

    • No shame in running half a half marathon.

    • 即使半程马拉松只跑了一半也没什么可羞耻的。

    • from:《Nike Better for it-Inner thoughts》

    朝鲜马拉松初体验 Running A (Half) Marathon In North Korea


    The Sightseeing Day 观光日

    First stop was the Mansudae Grand Monument, which every tourist is required to visit. (Naturally, every North Korean must, too.) It shows the two leaders, Kim Jung Il pointing somewhere, and Kim Il Song looking in the same direction.

    Kim Il Sung is the “Eternal President of the Republic”. He is the one always shown leading the way forward. Everyone loves him. So the story goes, he was the one to kick out the Japanese, he created the Juche philosophy that guides the Republic, he led the nation through the Korean War, and thusly, is the role model for everyone and everything. He passed away in 1994.
    金日成被誉为 “朝鲜民主主义人民共和国永远的主席”。他总是以带领朝鲜人民前进的形象出现,受到所有人民的爱戴。据说是他赶跑了日本人,提出了指导朝鲜民主主义共和国的主体思想,他领导国家走出朝鲜战争,因此是每个人做人做事的楷模。金日成于1994年逝世。

    After we bowed at the monument, we headed to the war museum, which treated us to an hour and a half of propaganda surrounding the Japanese occupation, the “imperialist American annexation” of the South, and “the truth about the Korean war.” We were permitted to board the USS Pueblo, an American spy ship which was captured in the late 1960s and kept as a trophy. The museum itself is quite modern and is a mix of a traditional museum and Madame Tussauds. There are many depictions which detail the gruesome scenes of the war.

    The scene left me with mixed emotions. On one level, if I squinted really hard, I could understand some of the points made by the propaganda. Walking through the museum, I started to sympathize with the North Korea that is a victim of imperialist America and the West. Hearing of the great achievements of Kim Jung Il, I gathered why he is so revered as a shining light in this dark country.

    That evening we finished with a nice hotpot dinner, drinking beer and local rice liquors, before heading to a microbrewery for more beers. Finally, we were brought back to the hotel where everyone drank at the bar until one in the morning when the waiters kicked us out. It was the North Korean experience, at least as much as foreigners are able to get.


    Running the Marathon in North Korea helped me form my own opinion about a country so prominently featured in the world press, yet so inaccessible to the vast majority of us. I was surprised to find Pyongyang to be quite a modern city — even despite its lack of widespread electricity and transportation.I also saw a few new luxury cars like S-class Mercedes and Audi Q7s.


    1970-01-01   13赞       0踩       265浏览 评论(9)


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