• 凉柚aaa     ✨Even if you fail, you can't deny yourself✨

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    🌺 第三弹🌺

    ⭐The future will be good, even if there are many misfortunes now.


    ⭐There will always be a light to illuminate you, as long as you still work hard and yearn for the light.

    总会有一束光照亮你,只要你仍然努力,向往光明 (ઇ〃•ω‹〃)wink♡

    ⭐People who are gentle enough will be lucky enough.


    ⭐You'll get everything you want, but not now. If you can't wait, try to run. If you can't catch up with the sun, you'll catch up with the moon, you won't catch up with the person you like, but you'll meet the next person.

    你会得到你想要的一切,但不是现在,等不及的话,那就努力跑起来。追不上太阳,总会追上月亮,追不上喜欢的人,但总会遇见下一个人。加油! (ง ᴛ ʏ ᴛ)ง加油

    ⭐Even the most hopeless things, as long as there is a heart to the end, will eventually have hope.


    ⭐Anything, enough love, enough courage.

    任何事物,足够爱 ,就足够勇敢♡

    ⭐If someone throws a stone at you, don't throw it back. Keep it as the cornerstone of your building.

    如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石 ❀

    ⭐What kind of effort you have made, what kind of dream you deserve to achieve.


    ✨Even if you fail, you can't deny yourself.


    🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓


    感谢小阔耐们的观看吖~🙈 |。・・)っ♡

    1970-01-01   27赞       1踩       832浏览 评论(12)
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