• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 24

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 try out… (on) 在…身上试验…
    例:Can I try out the plan on you?
    2 than 用于形容词比较级
    3 square mile 平方英里 例:square meter 平方米
    4 obviously adv. – obvious adj. 明显地(的)
    5 answer n. 答案;v. 回答 反义词question the answer to the question这道问题的答案
    6 quiz 小测试 例:quiz show 益智问答节目;quiz game 益智游戏
    7. population 人口
    Population density 人口密度


    1 Which continent has the lowest population density?
    短语:the lowest population density 最低的人口密度
    the highest population density 最高的人口密度
    2 Which is the highest mountain in the British Isles?
    短语:the highest mountain最高的山
    3 What is the longest river in the world? 短语:the longest river最长的河
    4 The Nile is longer than the Amazon. 短语:be longer than … …比…长


    (1) 形容词或副词变比较级和最高级的规则。比较级:+er,最高级,+est
    A+be/v. +the 比较级+ of the two:A是两个里面比较……的。
    Who/Which is +比较级, A or B? A和B之中哪个/谁更……?
    最高级: A+be/v. +最高级+ of the+数词。 A是……个之中最……的。
    A+ be/v. +最高级+范围(介词短语in…)。A是……里面/上面最……的。

    I. 选择。
    ( )1. What is the longest river in the world?
    A. The Nile ​B. The Amazon
    ( )2. Which continent has the lowest population density?
    A. Australia ​B. Antarctica
    ( )3. Pinocchio's nose is than Bush’s.
    A. the longest ​B. long ​C. longer
    ( )4 Sharks are whales.
    A. bigger than ​B. smaller ​C. smaller than ​D. bigger
    ( )5. Who is , Mr. Guo or Mr. Zhou?
    A. cleverest ​B. cleverer ​C. clever
    ( )6. , their hair style looks the same.
    A. obvious ​B. obviously ​C. Obviously
    ( )7 Their hair style looks the same. It’s .
    A. obvious ​B. obviously ​C. Obviously
    ( )8. Who is ___________ of the two? Lucy.
    A. oldest ​B. the oldest ​C. older ​D. old
    ( )9. My house is ________ of the four.
    A. big ​B. biggest ​C. bigger ​D. the biggest
    1 哪个国家有最密集的人口?
    Which country has ?
    2 中国的哪座山最高?
    is in China?
    3. 中国最长的河是哪一条河?
    is in China?
    4. 这两个女孩谁更高?

    5. 这三个人中谁最年轻?

    III. 改错。在错误处划线,在后面改正过来。
    1. Peter is the taller boy in his class. ________________
    2. Which animal is strongest, the elephant or the tiger? ________________
    3. Miss Wang is older of the ten teachers. ________________
    4. I am thin than my sister. ________________
    5. She is shortest of the two. ________________

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       43浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv26


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