• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 20

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 successful adj. 成功的 - (反义词)unsuccessful
    success n. 成功;succeed v. 取得成功 短语:succeed in doing sth. 做某事很成功
    复习:un – 否定前缀
    例:un + usual → unusual 不平常的;un + fair→ unfair 不公平的;un + able→ unable 不能的;un + lock → unlock 解开
    2 regular – 反义词irregular


    1 I want to tell you something, Daisy. (同义句)I want to tell something to you.
    短语:tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事;tell sth. to sb. 把某事告诉给某人
    2 This will be my last fashion shoot.
    短语:last fashion shoot 最后的时装拍摄
    3 I’m going to get an ordinary job in an office.
    Nina这时已经有打算找一个平凡的工作了,所以用be going to,而不用will
    4 I’ll work regular hours.
    短语:work regular hours 有规律地工作
    5 I’ll cook beautiful meals and eat them with my friends.
    短语:cook beautiful meals 做美味的饭菜
    6 I’ll sleep in the same bed every night.
    短语:sleep in the same bed 睡在同一张床上
    7 And maybe, one day I’ll meet the right man.
    (1) maybe adv. = perhaps
    (2) maybe 与may be的区别
    maybe 是副本词,通常放在句首做状语;may be 放在主语后,构成主系表句子结构。
    8 We’ll have an ordinary life together.
    We’ll=We will (He’ll= He will She’ll=She will I’ll=I will You’ll=You will They’ll= They will)


    will + 动词原型与be going to +动词原型的区别:
    (1)be going to + 动词原型: 表达打算,计划做某事或即将发生的事
    (2)will + 动词原型:表达将要发生的事
    例:I’m going to get an ordinary job. 我打算找一份平凡的工作。
    This will be my last fashion shoot. 这会是我最后一次时装拍摄。

    I. 按要求完成句子:
    1. 今天我打算给大家讲个关于Nina的故事。
    Today I ___ going to _______ _______ a story about Nina. (同义句)
    2. 我不会总是倒霉的。总有一天我会走运的。 (unlucky, lucky)(汉译英)
    I __________ always __________ unlucky. I _______ _______ _______ one day.
    3. 我打算找一份普通的工作。 (汉译英)
    4. Maybe, one day, she’ll meet the right man. (同义句) 5.这场演出很精彩,很成功。 This performance is ______________ and ____________.
    II. 用success, succeed, successful, unsuccessful填空:
    1. Jackie Chan is a ________________ movie star, but he is ______________ in singing.
    2. Beijing Olympics is a great ___________.
    3. He _____________ in running
    III. 用job或work填空:
    1 Their is glamorous.
    2 They are going to have lots of .
    IV. 选择:
    1.—_________________ on Sunday? —She’s going to wash her clothes(甘肃市)
    A. When is she going to wash her clothes? ​
    B. What does she do?
    C. What’s she going to do? ​
    D. Where is she going to wash her clothes?
    2. I think it ________ fine tomorrow.
    A. is ​B. was ​C. will be ​D. be
    3. How often_______ you _____ to the park when you were in Beijing?
    A. do, go ​B. did, go ​C.will, go ​D. have, go
    4. ___________ you wait for me at the airport tomorrow morning?
    A.Do ​B. Did​ C. Will ​D. Are
    5. Where ____ the twins last night?
    A. were ​B. was ​C. are ​D. did
    V. 句型转换:
    1. I will meet my old friend in London next week. (变一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)
    2. We are going to do some shopping in town. (同上)
    3. He is going to spend a week in Spain next April. (就划线部分提问)

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       85浏览 评论(0)
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