• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 17

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 nest: 短语:鸟巢,鸟窝a bird nest; 鸟巢体育馆:Bird Nest
    2 engineer: engine(发动机) + er (表示人的名词后缀)
    3 enthusiastic adj. – enthusiastically adv.
    短语be enthusiastic about对…很感兴趣;对…很热情 = be interested in
    例:(1) He is an enthusiastic birdwatcher. (2) They watched enthusiastically.
    4 webcam: 复习webpage网页,website网站
    5 invite v. – invitation n. 邀请
    短语:invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事; invite sb. for/ to sth. 为某事邀请某人
    例:1 Obama invited his wife to dance. 2 May I invite you to / for the party?
    6 patiently adv. – patient adj. 耐心的; n. 病人(可数)
    例:The doctor is patient. He often looks over his patients patiently.
    7 suddenly adv. – sudden adj.
    例:(1) It gets big suddenly. (2) It’s a sudden storm.
    8 chance n. 例:Can you give me a chance?
    短语:have a chance有机会
    9 dart 短语dart to = rush to冲向…
    10 excitedly adv. – excited adj. (形容人) / exciting adj. (形容物)
    例:This is an exciting movie. It makes me excited. I watched excitedly.
    11 easily adv. – easy adj.
    12 push 短语:push …out of…把…从…推出去;push … into…把…推进…里
    13 enormous近义词big; huge. enormously adv.
    14 log on 登录,登陆;log off下线,退出


    1 Last spring, two little birds appeared in his garden.
    last spring去年春天
    2 Ken installed a webcam and invited his neighbours to log on.
    短语: invite sb. to do sth.
    3 Soon, there was a little nest.
    Then, another bird arrived.
    Suddenly, she had her chance.
    In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three.
    (1)Soon(一会儿)…; Then (那么)…; Suddenly (突然地)…; In two seconds, (两秒钟后)…
    (2) another; the other; other区别:another多者中的另一个(加可数名词单数);the other 两者中的另一个或两部分中的另一些(加可数名词复数或单数都可以);other多者中的另一些(加可数名词复数)。
    4 After twelve days, the young cuckoo hatched.
    After twenty days, the cuckoo was enormous!
    On6th May, it opened its wings.
    In a moment, the nest was empty.
    in + 一段时间“…之后”:in a moment 过了一会儿;after twelve days十二天后;after twenty days二十天之后;
    短语open the wings张开翅膀


    1 有些形容词可以通过在词尾加-ly直接构成它的副词形式。
    enthusiastic – enthusiastically; excited – excitedly; patient – patiently; easy – easily;
    sudden- suddenly.
    2 形容词和副词在句子中的用法:
    (1)形容词放在名词前做定语或系动词后做表语,翻译成 “…的”
    (2)副词放在动词(动词短语)或句子后做状语,翻译成 “…也”.
    3 动词一般过去时规则变化(二)
    appear-appeared; install-installed; invite-invited; watch-watched; wait-waited; dart-darted; hatch-hatched; hurry-hurried; push-pushed; return-returned; open-opened.

    1 Ken is birds.
    A. enthusiastic in B. enthusiastic at C. enthusiastic about
    2 Will you have cup of tea?
    A. another B. other C. the other
    3 There are many students on the playground. Some are walking. Some are playing basketball.
    students are talking.
    A. another B. other C. the other
    4 I have two pen. One is red. is grey.
    A. another B. other C. the other
    5 There were lots of super stars at the party. Some stars were in “Gei Li Team”; stars were in “QingChun Team”.
    A. another B. other C. the other

    1 Ken is an birdwatcher.
    2 Ken watched the birds .
    3 They watched football games . So they are football fans.

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