• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 16

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 middle name 名(中国人没有)
    first name/ given name名;
    family name/ last name姓。=surname

    Full name全名=
    first name ➕ middle name➕last name

    2 wrong – 反义词right“对的” true (真实的,符合事实的) – false (不真实的,虚假的)

    3 impossible – 反义词possible; im- 否实前缀

    4 all the time – always

    5 park v. 动词 “停车”;n. 名词“停车场,公园”

    6 drive n. 车道(指的是住宅前通向大路的车道); v. 驾驶.

    7 unlock – 反义词lock v. 上锁;n. 锁

    8 discuss v. 讨论 – discussion n. 讨论
    例:They made a discussion of the idea yesterday.

    9 plan n. 计划/ v. 计划
    短语:make a plan for sth.
    为某事做计划/ plan for sth.为某事做计划 / plan to do sth. 计划去做某事
    例: (1) We planned for a Christmas party.
    (2) We planned to have a Christmas party.

    10 everywhere = here and there 到处

    11 silliness n.
    – silly adj. 愚蠢的,笨的; - ness名词后缀

    12 finger 手指的名称:thumb 大姆指;first finger食指;middle finger中指; ring finger 无名指; little finger 小姆指


    1 Is there something wrong?
    = What’s the matter? / What’s wrong?
    I did something very silly.
    短语:(1) something wrong 一些错的事;
    (2) something silly 一些愚蠢的事
    2 That’s impossible. = That isn’t possible.
    3 I’m silly all the time. = I’m always silly.
    4 I picked up some shopping in town. = I got (get) some shopping in town. / I bought (buy) some shopping in town.
    短语:pick up: (1) 买;(2) 拾起; (3) 接…人; (4) 领; in town 在城里
    5 I arrived home at about 10 o’clcok and parked the car in the drive.
    短语(1) arrive home到家;
    arrive at + 小地点; arrive in + 大地点 “到达”
    (2) in the drive在车道上
    6 Then Daisy called me on my mobile.
    短语on the mobile; on the radio; on TV 通过电器媒介传达信息用介词on.
    7 We discussed plans for Sunday. = We talked about plans for Sunday.
    8 Then I looked for my car keys, I looked in my bag, in my coat, in the kitchen everywhere.
    复习look for与find的区别: look for寻找;find找到。
    9 They were in my hand. The key-ring was on my little finger.
    短语:in one’s hand在某人的手里;on one’s finger在某人手指上。
    10 Then we finished the call.
    短语:finish sth. 完成某事;
    finish doing sth. 完成做某事。

    例:(1) I did something very silly. (2) Is there something wrong?
    2 动词过去式的规则变化:
    (1) pick – picked; (2) arrive – arrived;
    (3) park – parked; (4) unlock – unlocked;
    (5) call – called; (6) talk – talked;
    (7) discuss – discussed; (8) look – looked.

    1 did, silly, something, Karen.
    2 there, anyone, is, the story, in, interesting ?
    3 you, do, to do, have, else, anything?
    4 there, is, over there, else, anybody?

    用look for或find的适当形式填空:
    1 Karen her keys and she them in her hand.
    2 I my dog everywhere but I couldn’t him.
    3 Are you your dress?
    4 They some gold here.

    1 He often works computer. 2 I heard the news the radio.
    3 She watched the show TV. 4 The ring is the ring finger.

    选择: 1 When did you arrive the airport? A. / B. in C. at D. with
    2 The volunteers arrived the village yesterday. A. / B. in C. at D. with
    3 Jack is going to arrive Paris the day after tomorrow. A. / B. in C. at D. with
    4 My grandpa arrive Changchun last night. A. / B. in C. at D. with
    5 I arrived the train station two hours ago. A. / B. in C. at D. with
    6 They discussed yesterday. A. about the idea B. for the idea C. of the idea D. the idea
    7 We had a plan a Christmas party. A. of B. for C. /
    8 They finished the call. (同义句) They finished the call. A. make B. made C. making
    9 She finished the book. A. read B. reading C. reads
    10 It says: “ .” A. Possible anything B. Anything possible
    11 It says: “ .” A. Nothing impossible B. Impossible nothing

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       115浏览 评论(0)
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