• Heidi_Jas     【the Economist】-20190525

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    这篇笔记涉及Leaders板块的The great jobs boom和Business板块一篇很有创意的文章The seven ages of climate man.

    The rich world is enjoying an unprecedented employment bonanza, which capitalism’s critics have missed
    bonanza: 发财机会,兴盛繁荣
    After the world class player was beated by Alpha Go, 2018 was a bonanza year for artificial intelligence.

    They are underpaid and exploited by unscrupulous bosses.

    It is at odds with reality.
    at odds with:与……不符合

    The zeitgeist has lost touch with the data.
    zeitgeist /'zaɪtgaɪst/ 时代精神,时代思潮

    In fact women account for almost all the growth in the rich-world employment rate since 2007.

    The left needs to accept that many of the criticisms it levels at capitalism do not fit the facts.
    Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. 左派支持社会平等、反对阶级统治。左派右派这种说法可以追溯到法国大革命,当时开会决议时坐在会议桌左边的是反对君主制,支持革命,而坐在会议桌右边的则相反。
    level at sth:v.公开指责

    The jobs boom will not last for ever. Eventually, a recession will kill it off. Meanwhile, it deserves a little appreciation.
    文章最后一句很毒,几个副词(eventually, meanwhile, little)用得很到位。前面都是在说现代就业繁荣,失业率低。但这场热潮最后也会被经济衰退扼杀。哎,资本主义该死的经济周期

    The Seven Ages of Climate Man
    A Shakespearean guide to how companies tackle climate change

    莎翁在The seven ages of man的独白里写道“All the world is a stage”,并描述了人生的七个阶段,这篇文章非常巧妙地将这七个阶段对应到对气候变化采取不同态度和措施的企业,描述了五个企业类型。具体见导图。

    It is not just Ms Thunberg who is wagging the finger of blame.
    wag the finger of blame推卸责任,wag就是摇摆的意思。
    The little dog began wagging his tails.
    还有一种表达是lay the finger of blame on 把责任归咎于

    Banks are loth to support projects like carbon storage because they take a short-term view and
    fear low returns.
    be loth to do sth= be unwilling to do sth不愿意做
    short-term view短视的,相反的,就是insightful(有远见的)
    资本向来现实又短视,银行不愿意支持像碳储存这类项目,这样下去,人类就会“Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything(没有牙齿,没有眼睛,没有味道,没有一切)”。

    Governments can make the biggest difference by more widely taxing carbon emissions. But while firms benefit from nature’s bounty—its water, minerals and energy—preserving it is also an act of
    self-interest. If they do not, the last scene of all may be what Shakespeare sums up as “mere oblivion”. Averting catastrophe could depend on whether business plays the role of hero or villain.
    最后一段说得很在理。说到底,还是要依靠政府的强制执行力,收碳排放税,促进更清洁能源更环保的技术开发和推广。企业利用社会公共资源,不能只顾自己的利益,更应该有义不容辞的社会责任感。是英雄还是恶魔?时间会来审判。这对于个人来说也适用,从不用一次性物品开始,多使用公共交通工具,节约能源,逐渐减少自己的碳排放,要相信,Little things make a big difference.
    He often drinks himself into oblivion.喝得不省人事。
    Most of his work has been neglected to oblivion.衰衰的人儿

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