• 斯密士     【斯密读英语早读】EP96 “所幸有人跟进跟出照顾他”

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    The old man collected many priceless antiques when he was alive, but his wife died early leaving him three sons. After (brought up), they all (went abroad). Luckily there was a student, following him up (in and out) to take care of him.

    The key to love, (lies not in the mouth or in the mind, but in reaching out) a pair of your warm hands!

    Antique  [æn'tiːk]  重音符号的使用
    Alive [ə'laɪv]  区别live的发音


    1.After (brought up), they all (went abroad). 长大后都出了国

    Bring up
    He brought up the god damn thing. 他提起来的这件狗屁事情
    My father brought me up. 父亲把我养大

    Go abroad
    Sorry, I can’t go and live abroad with you. 抱歉,我不能跟你去国外生活

    2.Luckily there was a student, following him up (in and out) to take care of him.

    In and out
    There are so many people pass in and out! 进进出出的人真是多!
    People have to breathe in and out so many times a minute. 每分钟人都不得不呼吸那么多次。

    3.The key to love, (lies not in the mouth or in the mind, but in reaching out) a pair of your warm hands!

    复习: lie in, lie within

    并列连词or, but 连接成长句,根据连接词断句
    Lies not in the mouth/ or in the mind,/ but in reaching out...

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       5浏览 评论(0)
男 入行配角lv19


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