• Heidi_Jas     【the Economist】-20190518

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    笔记来自Leader板块的A new kind of cold war和business板块的Sleepless in silicon valley.

    How to manage the growing rivalry between America and a rising China
    表示竞争除了Compete, contest,还可以用rival, rivalry (n.)

    The two superpowers used to seek a win-win world. Today winning seems to involve the other lot’s defeat—a collapse that permanently subordinates China to the American order; or a humbled America that retreats from the western Pacific. It is a new kind of cold war that could leave no winners at all.

    Lot除了lots of和a lot of,还有群,份额,运气,全体的意思。The other lot指另一方。
    She was dissatisfied with her lot. 对命运不满怎么办?只能多读书了
    The first lot of visitors have arrived.第一批游客已经到达。
    a win-win world双赢
    subordinate:~ to sb/sth. 下属的,次要的
    Nowadays, women are no longer subordinate to men.现代社会,男女平等。

    文中有句话很有味道,Superpower relations have soured.超级大国的关系已经变酸了。

    China is caught between the dream of regaining its rightful place in Asia and the fear that tired, jealous America will block its rise because it cannot accept its own decline.
    Be caught between……陷入,和be in a dilemma (处于进退两难困境)意思相似。

    The potential for catastrophe looms. Under the Kaiser, Germany dragged the world into war; America and the Soviet Union flirted with nuclear Armageddon. Even if China and America stop short of conflict, the world will bear the cost as growth slows and problems are left to fester for lack of co-operation.
    Loom:vi. 即将出现,迫在眉睫,比sth is around the corner更高级。注意几个动词(drag,flirt,fester)。
    Stop short: 中途停止,突然停止
    Stop short of sth/doing sth或者说Sth stop short.
    Fester:伤口化脓,情况恶化,和 foster(培养,发展好的东西)对比一下就能记住了。
    Do not leave hate to fester hatred but to foster forgive. 不要让仇恨滋生仇恨,而要培养宽恕。

    In China, America faces a vast rival that confidently aspires to be number one. Business ties and profits, which used to cement the relationship, have become one more matter to fight over. China and America desperately need to create rules to help manage the rapidly evolving era of superpower competition. Just now, both see rules as things to break.
    Cement:水泥,粘结,cement the relationship搞好关系

    Sleepless in silicon valley
    Why the techie obsession with sleep technology makes perfect sense
    Techie: 科技迷,科技狂人
    Obsess:痴迷,迷恋,Obsession 名词,obsessive 形容词。
    大家熟知的强迫症就是obsessive compulsive disorder,简称OCD。

    First, close the blackout blinds in your bedroom. Eat dinner at 4pm, and do not eat or drink anything after 6pm. Put on your blue-light blocking glasses at 8pm. Set your bedroom temperature to 19.4℃ and your electric blanket to 21℃. At 8.45pm, meditate for five to ten minutes. Switch on your deep-wave sound machine. Put on your Oura sleep-tracking ring. You are now, finally, ready for slumber.
    blue-light blocking glasses:防蓝光眼镜。

    His sleep routine has decimated my social life.
    decimate:vt. 大幅降低,严重削弱。当你厌倦了damage不妨换成decimate。

    sleep hygiene:睡眠卫生。就是为了保证睡个好觉,准备的一系列规矩。

    maintain mental health, boost cognition and enhance productivity.
    对于硅谷科技达人来说,sleep is the new fitness.睡眠成了新的健身方式。

    Sleep-tracking also aligns neatly with Silicon Valley’s cult of productivity, and the constant search for “life hacks” that will make entrepreneurs more effective, efficient and successful.
    everything else in life is secondary to succeeding at work.

    The enthusiasm for sleep-tech also fits a larger pattern of using technology to fix problems that the industry itself has created. Is your smartphone too addictive? Here’s an app to help you monitor and track your usage. Are the streets of your city clogged with Ubers? Try an electric scooter instead. Seen this way, the embrace of sleep-tracking is an indictment of the whole culture: it tackles the symptoms of sleep deprivation, but not the disease.

    Sleep-tracking is at exactly the stage that fitness-tracking technology was at a decade ago.



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