• 斯密士     【斯密读英语早读】EP94 他下了决心,努力了一天又一天

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    So he (was determined to) raze out the pearl surface, but the spot still existed; he scraped the second layer, thinking that he could (get rid of it), but it remained. He kept cutting off (layer after layer), until finally the spot disappeared, but the pearl had been no more.

    1.he determine(adj) to raze out the pearl他下定决心削去珍珠表层
    She is determined to win the game. 她决心要赢。
    She determined(v.) to win the game. 她决定要赢得比赛。

    2.Thinking that he could get rid of it 以为这下可以把斑点去掉
    Get rid of sth. 摆脱;除去
    I can’t get rid of the cold. 我摆脱不了感冒
    Get rid of the old hat! 把那顶旧帽子扔掉!

    3.He kept cutting layer after layer... 他不断削掉了一层又一层
    ... after .../ ... by ...
    Day after day 日复一日,强调周而复始。(补充,可作主语、状语)
    Day by day 一天一天地,强调逐日变化。 (只可作状语)
    One by one 一个接一个
    Step by step 一步接一步、一步步地

    ....He thought that if this small spot could be removed
    ....thinking that he could get rid of it


    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       50浏览 评论(0)
男 入行配角lv19


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